Home News Christmas fair trade: a conscious choice

Christmas fair trade: a conscious choice

El christmas fair trade It implies slow and conscious purchases. Have you ever stopped to think what is behind your gifts? In this article we break down once again this type of trade that has grown by 384% since 2015 According to Iberian Fairtade. How is it that it has grown so much? Do you have much more to expand? Let's find out!

What does Christmas fair trade bring?

Christmas is here and with it the frantic consumerism so characteristic of these dates. But… do we really stop to think about the impact of what we buy? However, there are alternatives in a world in which Explotacion workers of the global south and the environmental destruction they are the norm. A clear example is fair trade or "fair trade". Through this, producers receive a decent payment, instead of settling for a pittance while the profits go to the distributors.

If we talk about Christmas fair trade we must mention the campaign of the State Coordinator of Fair Trade in Spain (CECJ). It launched a couple of weeks ago an initiative with the intention of raising awareness among consumers. He believes it is necessary since we Spaniards are among the Europeans who consume this type of product the least. Not surprisingly, the number was 3 euros per inhabitant in 01. However, this could very well change in a few years. The pandemic has provided a new opportunity to raise awareness of the interconnectedness of the entire world.

christmas fair trade
Fair trade cocoa bags / Source: Pixabay

You can carry out your fair trade purchases in supermarkets and department stores as well as in specialized stores. In fact, the 83,5% of purchases of this type of product took place in the first during 2020. He came out winning the food sector with a 97% of purchases last year according to a CECJ report. Therefore, you already know that where you will have the most to choose from in your Christmas shopping will be food. cocoa, coffee o confectionery They can be excellent options for a gift.

Examples for this Christmas

As for specialized stores, we refer to the campaign. It promotes the 78 that are distributed throughout the Spanish territory. Two good options are derivatives of cocoa and Cosmetics. Within the first classification are tablets (from milk chocolate to 100% pure cocoa), chocolates and hot chocolate. Without forgetting the cocoa cream, children's chocolates, etc.

As for cosmetics, we have moisturizing creams in these stores made with Argan oil. This is produced by cooperatives of women from the targanid group, Morocco. are more than 550 empowered women. For them this christmas fair trade It implies “greater economic independence, autonomy and participation in society”, according to the president of the CECJ.
