Home Gastronomy Eating without bread: an extreme solution?

Eating without bread: an extreme solution?

Oh..! that freshly baked, crispy bread, white… Which is sold even at gas stations freshly made. Is it very tasty, right? Eat without bread is impossible, you think. But what if we change that white bread for a healthier one? You will continue to have that pleasure that you like so much, but it will be a little healthier.Keep reading!

Eat without bread?

Eat without bread is something rare in Spain and, in general, in everything Europe because this is a staple of the European diet. In fact, the consumption of bread in our country is of the Lower of the continent. Usually, the two slices for breakfast and the loaf of bread are never missing at mealtime. There is a great controversy about whether we should eliminate bread from our diet or if we should reduce it because fattening. Also on whether it is essential to consume it in our day to day. With so much information and different opinions we will try to clarify the issue in the best possible way.

Eating bread for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack is not bad. We do not have to strike it out of our diet, as it is a good source of energy. The dilemma is in selecting what bread do we eat. Bread is a complex carbohydrate and therefore it provides us with energy gradually, delays the feeling of hunger and helps us to level blood sugar levels.

Is whole wheat bread healthier?

However, we must differentiate white bread from whole wheat. The White bread It is made with refined flour, that is to say, it is a processed food, and, therefore, it has less amount of vitamins and minerals. On the contrary, the wholemeal bread it is made with whole wheat flour. Thus, it has the advantage of preserving the fiber and the whole grain of the cereal, providing us with more nutrients and minerals. Another disadvantage of white bread is that it contains high salt levels. For this reason it presents a glycemic index higher by increasing blood sugar and glucose levels and thus promoting the weight gain.

According to the nutritionist Beatrice Robles The problem with foods made with refined flours (white bread or pasta) is the following:

«They contain refined carbohydrates that digest very quickly. These are quickly converted to glucose and this glucose passes very quickly into the blood and produces glucose spikes. The pancreas then has to secrete insulin and if these cycles are repeated continuously, over time they can be a risk factor for developing obesity or other metabolic diseases »

It is not bad to eat white bread, but it is more beneficial for your health to replace white bread with 100% wholemeal bread or with other types of bread such as whole wheat rye bread. The carbohydrates that bread gives us at breakfast are necessary to fill us up and have energy during the day. However, the clef is in the type of flour that we choose. However, if you only like white bread, you can choose to replace it from time to time. Next, we are going to give you several alternatives.

Alternatives to white bread

Instead of having two slices of white bread for breakfast, you can opt for some delicious «oatmeal pancakes«. We will need 100% whole oatmeal, egg whites (they will provide us with high quality proteins) and a little milk. We simply prepare the dough like normal pancakes. We beat the whites, add the flour and milk and mix everything well. Then we add our favorite fruit and to sweeten we recommend honey, cinnamon or whatever you like the most. Thus, you get a breakfast with all the necessary nutrients to start the day and very healthy.

Another option is the «bowls»Of cereals. We must look for them to be whole, since they are those that carry more fiber and antioxidants. Without a doubt, we must accompany them with fruits and kefir or yogurt (preferably without sugar, since the fruits will sweeten it). This combo is packed with nutrients, minerals, protein, and carbohydrates.

We recommend you try to substitute white bread in your diet and try healthier alternatives. For those who like it more salty they can opt for slices of 100% whole wheat bread with tomato or avocado, for example. They are just ideas. Afterwards, you can give them the shape you want and always to your liking, since the important thing is that enjoy the food and at the same time take care of your health. 
