Home News Cheaper and expensive Christmas food

Cheaper and expensive Christmas food

Do you already have your entire shopping basket made for the Christmas lunch and dinner or do you still have something to acquire? Look at the cheaper Christmas foods it can help you save a significant amount of money. Therefore from the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) They have produced a second product classification after the first one they carried out at the end of November. Thus, you can find price reductions or increases in different seafood, fish and meat. Find out here how the evolution has been to go to the supermarket in search of the cheapest.

More increases than price drops

So first of all, the conclusion that can be drawn from the second report of the OCU is that some products have lowered their price, ranking among the cheaper Christmas foods. But the bad news is that there more ups than downs, while only one meat remains unchanged. Thus, in general, the data is that prices have increased by an average of 5,9% regarding the month of November. Precisely on those dates before the beginning of December, a decrease in the amount of seafood and some meats was detected. Always compared to previous years.

Thus, the products that have experienced the greatest increases in less than a month are the clams slugs (29%), Galician barnacles (25%), the sea ​​bream (17%) and hake (fifteen %). Although eels or oysters have also risen slightly in price. As for meats, the rise in round beef, while others have become better economically.

Cheaper Christmas food

El ham and Turkey the entire price has decreased, while the lamb lechal it is the only one that remains unchanged in that period of time. Fish like the seabass y seafood such as shrimp they are also among the cheapest Christmas foods.

So now you know which ones you should buy to save on the Christmas basket. 
