Home Waters and soft drinks Sparkling Water: A Healthy Option?

Sparkling Water: A Healthy Option?

El soda water o carbonated contains carbonic acid which breaks down into water and carbon dioxide. Thus, when we open the bottle for the first time, it comes out in the form of bubbles. all the soda water part of this composition. As explained by the OCU (Organization of consumers and users) "Depending on the content of the mineral prevails, the water is of one type or another. Thus, he classifies them as: bicarbonated, calcium, sulfated, sodium, magnesium or chloride. But what are the benefits of soda water?

The healthiest drink is, without a doubt, the water without gas, and if it is from the tap, better (although we already know that it is not possible in all the autonomous communities). There is no hesitation on this question. Instead, there are in relation to the water that contains carbonic acid. However, in this article we are going to eliminate them. We will tell you everything you need to know about this drink.

soda water
Sparkling water/Source: El Español

Benefits of sparkling water

  • has an effect satiating by generating some pressure on the walls of the stomach. Therefore, they are indicated for people with overweight. However, healthy people should not abuse it. According to Miguel Angel Alvarez, doctor of nutrition from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, carbonated water "can cause them not to eat all the food they need and not reach the recommended intake of vitamins or proteins."
  • barely has Calories.
  • Moisturizes the same as the Still water according to several scientific studies.
  • Facilitates digestions
  • It is a alternative healthy to conventional soft drinks. First of all, because of the benefits mentioned above. And, secondly, because the level of erosion in the teeth caused by acidity is 100 times smaller than that of soft drinks. This is confirmed by a study published in "Journal of Oral Rehabilitation"

However, experts warn that the soda water It is not recommended for people with problems of gases swelling. This is because the gaseous content increases the elimination of gas through flatulence or belching. As a conclusion, the Carbonated water It is healthy for our body as long as it is consumed in moderation. In addition, it is an excellent substitute for conventional soft drinks.

