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Tag: yogurt

Kombucha beats yogurt as healthy

Experts observe advantages in kombucha over yogurt due to its high amount of probiotics, low calories and better digestion

Tricube, minimalism turned into an innovative dessert

Tricube is an ecological dessert awarded for its contrast of flavors and textures, as well as its design. Meet the food capable of transforming confectionery.

The best sauces in Mercadona: for everything!

To add a lot of flavor to all kinds of dishes and meals, find out here which are the best Mercadona sauces. There is an interesting variety.

What are fermented foods?

These fashionable products bring great wealth to world gastronomy. Discover in this article which are the most interesting fermented foods.

Central Lechera Asturiana: new yogurts

Cider, rice pudding and casadiella, new flavors from Central Lechera Asturiana, to savor Asturias by the spoonful.