Home Arroceria Maribel, the most authentic paella

    Arroceria Maribel, the most authentic paella

    Specialty: Rice and Paellas
    Name: Maribel Rice Restaurant
    Address: Francisco Monleon, 5, El Palmar.
    Province: Valencia
    Phone: 961620060
    Website: www.arroceriamaribel.com

    Enjoying the authentic Valencian rice

    In one of the places more authentic to take paella or any dish with rice. In the Albufera of Valencia is the Maribel Rice Restaurant. It specializes in rice dishes and has taken a further step in the local gastronomy. In this way, it has risked to become one of the best places to drink rice and paellas in Valencia and in Spain.

    Based on the ingredients of the area and the traditional but with the aim of evolving in the Maribel Rice Restaurant a modern, exquisite and signature rice kitchen is maintained. From the seafood paellas, honeyed rice and even a "there i pebre”Evolved and so classic of the Valencian lagoon.

    Special attention deserves starters and tapas perfect to wait for the delicious rice dishes. We can cite here the croquettes of the house, capacity ox and Esgarraet. The Maribel Rice Restaurant It has a large space inside and a terrace next to the canal with a lot of charm. Have car park free for customers.

    Taste of Albufera at Arroceria Maribel

    The Albufera It is a lake and natural park of more than 21 thousand hectares just ten kilometers from Valencia city. It is surrounded by more than 200 square km of rice paddies and protected from the sea by dunes (the so-called restinga) and for a Pine forest. This is an area with a high ecological value. Many animals live in it and it is used as a migration area for many birds.

    The gastronomy of the area has always been based on local products such as rice, garden products watered by the different ditches. Also hunting products such as duck and rabbit, seafood of the area, eels, etc. Just everything you can taste in the restaurant of Maribel.

    Maribel Rice Restaurant