Home Gastronomy ISO proteins, complement but not substitute

ISO proteins, complement but not substitute

Being unable to leave home for a long period of time due to the pandemic made us more concerned about our physical appearance. More and more people regularly attend the gym. Always under the relevant security measures. And, therefore, the consumption of ISO proteins powdered or in bags has become widespread among athletes. The nutritional advantages they provide are, without a doubt, an attraction for all those who do physical exercise regularly. Are you interested? Here you will discover what its benefits are, as well as the gastronomic power that have.

What are ISO proteins?

As you already know, innovations in the field of sports nutrition they are more and more and of better quality. It was not going to be less with proteins, since there are different ways of treating the serum from which they are obtained. A proof of this are the ISO proteins, a different form of this nutritious that many sports brands have put on the market. In short, it is whey protein, but 90% concentrated, that is, it has a minimal presence of hydrates.

ISO proteins
Isolate proteins. Source: skilledfitness.com

This type of protein has a great solubility. This means that it is more easy to digest for the body because does not coagulate when it reaches the stomach. This causes the protein to pass directly into the blood, increasing the effect of this nutrient in our body.

Along with all this, they are easily assimilable for our body, so its digestion does not have too much complexity. Making that feeling of heaviness produced by other proteins is avoided at the root. It should be noted that ISO proteins contribute to speed up metabolism, which affects the burning of calories.


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Nutritional benefits

The ISO proteins stand out, above all, for being a pure protein isolate. In other words, these nutrients contain hardly any carbohydrates. Therefore, they are ideal to grant our body essential amino acids. In addition, this function is performed without adding any other type of substances or nutrients that our body does not need at that time. It should be noted that, for every 100 grams of ISO proteins that you consume, give you 371 kilocalories of energy value.

And it is that they are more complete. In fact, this type of nutrients is used by people who are dedicated to sports in a more professional way, since they are the ones that work the muscles the most. And it is that, the main advantage what do you have in front of proteins whey It is the highest fat and carbohydrate content of the latter.

Alternative recipes

Contrary to what you might think, gym regulars don't just eat the ISO proteins through shakes. There is no doubt that this form of consumption is the most common, but you should know that protein powder can have many more uses in the kitchen. You just have to use a little imagination and try to create your own creations.

And this is not only there, you can find these nutrients in specialized sports stores with a price between 25 and 50 € according to the amount you want. And of infinite flavors! Thanks to the boom that these nutrients are having in recent times, the points of sale have made these products of different tastes available to their customers.

You can choose between chocolate, strawberry, lemon… and many more. Although the preferred by athletes is still the neutral. Next, we introduce you some recipes that you can try at home:

  • Muffins protein curd and white chocolate
  • Pancakes flavored protein
  • Mousse protein
  • Dip peanuts and sweet protein for snacking

As we have said, the uses of proteins in gastronomy are very varied. They are adaptable to variety of recipes. We suggest that you try to create your own dishes, it is a matter of imagination and desire.

ISO proteins
Flavored protein pancakes. Source: vitonica.com

ISO proteins as a supplement

The fact that these proteins are rapidly absorbed by the body means that they must be consumed in very specific moments. Experts Recommend Fair after a training session, when the muscles have suffered and need to be repaired and nourished.

But you should know that ISO proteins consist of always a supplement, in none of the cases they replace any food. This point is one of the most problematic, as this could cause failures in our body. In addition, it is recommended not to exceed the recommended daily dose. It is even contraindicated in cases of kidney and liver disease, pregnancy and children under 12 years of age.

You have already been able to verify that ISO proteins they are not only consumed in smoothies. These have many gastronomic uses and you can include them in your diet. They are a very beneficial nutrient for the body, but should be taken with caution. Do you go to the gym and do you usually resort to them? How do you eat them?
