Home News Christmas and leftover food

Christmas and leftover food

We already have Christmas day here and with it the traditional meals that we share with family and friends. We put a lot of effort into preparing these menus but not so much in knowing what we will do with the leftover food from Christmas.

It is estimated that 25% of Spaniards will throw food this Christmas and that 15% of the food purchased for this day will be wasted. 55% of Spaniards admit that they buy in excess so that there is leftover food on the Christmas menu. 35% of people who cook on these dates admit that they do not know how to calculate the quantities when preparing food for these holidays. In addition, 20% admit that it is not worth saving leftover food and almost 15% that they do not know what to do with this food.

Source:Taste Home
Source:Taste Home

What to do with leftover Christmas food

First of all, it is important to know the type of diners we have, in addition to the number, that is, it will not be the same children and elderly people as young people or people with great appetites. All this is important to try to optimize the food to buy and prepare.

Once we have cooked and we have leftover food, the most important thing is not to wait more than two hours to refrigerate the food. Do it in small, shallow containers that allow for faster refrigeration. If you think you are not going to consume them within a period of less than four days, freeze the product.

You can distribute the leftover Christmas food to your diners but you must take into account the transport time and if it is more than two hours it is not recommended. Especially for fish, shellfish and meat. If the product allows it and refrigeration is not necessary, it is a good solution.

It is important that we all become aware of the economic value and effort of what food represents, also in Christmas menus. From the effort of production, elaboration and the environmental impact that we create with it. A good idea is to seek out some experts from anti waste recipes the best solution for our leftover food.

