Home News Foie gras: against the ropes?

Foie gras: against the ropes?

It is known that the United Kingdom It is a pioneer country in the protection of animals. In this sense, and for a few months, political parties and animal rights groups have reactivated the debate to ban consumption of the foie gras nationwide.

The images spread by some animal groups cause two out of three Britons to prefer not to consume foie gras. On the other hand, there are a large number of these who prefer that it be the consumer who decides whether to consume this product or not. In this sense, more and more truthful information is requested so that everyone can exercise their freedom. The position against the consumption of liver by  Carrie Symonds, wife of the current prime minister Boris Johnson, has reignited the debate.


Foie gras, prohibition or freedom

In the United Kingdom it is increasingly difficult to see this product on restaurant menus. Also, chefs avoid its use. However the British still import more than 200 tons per year. The origin is mainly from the southwest of France. There the farms try to improve the practice of stuffed, a forced feeding that is carried out twice daily to ducks and geese to force the greasing of the animal's liver. According to the French production associations, this feeding practice complies with European regulations. They also add that some images that circulate in malpractice networks are the exception in the sector.

France is the largest producer of foie gras of the world with almost 18 thousand tons of which the French country exports more than Present in several = 30%. According to the French Producers Association, the British like foie gras and ask their government not to ban it. They also want to let each consumer decide freely.

Foie gras.Photo:Pixabay
Foie gras.Photo:Pixabay

The future of the industry

Foie lovers have found a different product from the one produced in a more industrial way, they call it ethical foie It is about being very respectful with the animal's breeding, not forcing it in its feeding. Feed it with organic products and with the necessary space. All this to keep it in good condition. In addition, the fact that they naturally have the migratory instinct makes them accumulate enough fat in their liver to go a long way.

Innovation also wants to take advantage of this market. In this sense and in the same way that they are investigating with the meat cell cultures tests are being carried out to develop laboratory foie gras. Quite a challenge in a sector that will experience changes and a great transformation in the coming years.


