Home News addictive food

addictive food

Recent European studies on overweight have once again brought addiction to some foods to the fore. We are going to analyze what addictive foods are, which are the most frequent and why they are so addictive according to some studies.

The addiction to any action, food or substance is the pathological need that a person feels to get pleasure through it. In the case of food, it is not that all food is addictive, but some elements that are part of it.

Actually our brain activates a reward system and offers us pleasure or calms anxiety when we ingest them. It does this instinctively to reward us for accumulating reserves. For this reason, fats, sugars and salt are part of the vast majority of addictive foods. For this reason, many people enter a cycle of eating these foods to feel rewarded or calm. For this reason, addictive foods do not calm our desire to eat, on the contrary, they increase the desire to continue consuming them.


The most addictive foods

It is important to clarify that many of these foods, which we detail below, are interesting for our diet. The amount we consume and the risk that we fall into ingesting more due to its addictive elements should put us more on alert.

pineapple pizza
promotional image of Crispy Hawaiian pizza

Many professionals warn of the pizza as one of the most addictive foods but its components such as cheese, sauces and meat the ones that make it addictive. We can make a pizza without these ingredients and it would not be addictive. French fries They are also highly addictive, their high level of fat and salt produce the generation of endocannabinoid hormones, responsible for the desire to continue eating more and more.


The refreshing drinks due to their high sugar content they are addictive and are even more so when their ingredients include caffeine. In addition, the refreshing effect and being able to accompany meals in a simple way make them high risk in combination with other foods.


Burgers, sausages and sausages They are other foods in which we must be alert. The amount of fats, salts, additives and in many cases hydrogenated fats ask us for a lot of moderation in consumption. In these products it is not the same if the elaboration has been artisanal and ecological or they are of industrial elaboration. It is important to emphasize that when they are combined with cheeses and sauces, this addiction is enhanced. An important issue is the elaboration is that It is served at a high temperature, melting the fats of the meat, sauces and cheese, which further stimulates palatability and consumption.

Source: @soytrends on Twitter

Fats, sugars and salts become temporary pleasure


The chocolate It is a food with great benefits, especially when it is with a high percentage of cocoa. However, with chocolate that contains sugar and fat, we must moderate consumption a lot. The addiction to chocolate is produced since it induces our body to secrete endorphins quickly giving a great sensation of pleasure.

Of course the sweets, cakes and especially industrial pastries They are high-risk foods due to their sugar, fat and hydrogenated fat content. They are highly addictive since our brain rewards us for intake because it makes it easier for it to accumulate reserves By an easy and fast way. The same happens with ice creams that in hot weather reward us with a refreshing sensation as well.


Cheese is one of the most addictive foods The casein in cheese causes the production of casomorphin, a peptide that produces a pleasant sensation and eliminates stress and anxiety. Along with the fat from the cheese and the added salt, they invite us to eat them without ceasing and we must be alert in their consumption.

Table with different cheeses. / Source: CS

Special attention deserves snacks and some nuts. For the same reason as other foods that contain high levels of salt and fat. Sunflower seeds, pistachios, peanuts and popcorn made with butter stand out in particular.


Finally and on the opposite side we find the less addictive foods the vast majority of vegetable origin and unprocessed. Broccoli, cucumbers, carrots and legumes top the ranking of the healthiest.

