Home Fruits and vegetables Papaya Sweet Mary is coming soon

Papaya Sweet Mary is coming soon

La papaya is a tropical fruit of the papaya tree. From Mexico, is cultivated in the tropics and subtropics. In Spain, Specially in Canary Islands. This is where we find a special variety: Sweet Mary papaya. Commercially it is called Gourmet premium papaya.

A variety with a high sugar level but it is also exquisite for its flavor and aroma. It will reach the Spanish mainland market shortly.

Sweet Mary papaya, very sweet and tasty

"Variety Sweet mary occurred in Canary Islands but it was exported in its entirety, basically to Europe. For this reason we decided to market it on the islands and now it's up to the peninsula ”, he explains. Daniel Hernández to Great Products. He is the manager of Canary Island papaya.

Daniel and his partner created Papaya Canary Islands from the hand of two local producers. The creators of the variety sweet mary papaya. This is grown in the area of Saint Christopher of the lagoon, on the island of tenerife. At less than 150 meters of altitude.

Papaya is a tree from which only hermaphroditic plants are selected for production. Once planted, two or three harvests throughout its productive life, of just over a year.

“Chemicals are not used in the cultivation, only organic and mineral fertilizer. No phytosanitary product is used either. We use natural predators such as an arachnid that eats insects. Our crop is zero residue, sustainable "he says. Daniel Hernández.

“In this crop, the quality of the water is controlled a lot, with its levels of ph and lime. Spring water and rain are mixed to achieve this, which results in quality "

Collection and transport

With all this, some fruits are produced that achieve a color ranging from lemon green to orange. Evenly and although they can exceed 2,3 kg, they are usually between 0,8 and 2 kg per piece. They are collected when they are 60% ripe and mature slowly.

The transport is carried out at a temperature of 12º C and this allows it to arrive in good organoleptic conditions. All this to be able to keep them for two weeks in the refrigerator when they reach the consumer. It is a fruit with a soft and flowery aroma, with a coconut flavor and a little citrus.

Its meaty but firm texture makes it much easier to work in the kitchen

From the almost complete papaya we can highlight the great contribution of Vitamin C with levels similar to oranges. This vitamin favors the formation of collagen and the absorption of iron. In addition, it also highlights the Vitamin A, favoring the synthesis of the skin pigment melanin, which helps tanning.

It is a very fruit recommended for people with intestinal problems Since the papain helps to increase gastric juices and the functioning of the pancreas, thus helping digestion.
