Home Gastronomy Food from America that came and went

Food from America that came and went

With the discovery of America, not only were new commercial routes and territorial and economic interests opened. It was the union of two worlds that would be provided for centuries a gastronomy exchange that has enriched the whole world. Many forget it, or underestimate it, but there is a before and after not only due to economic wealth but also due to the discovery of new ones. america food. These would contribute new flavors and sensations and would save many people from different territories from famine.

What are the foods of America?

Without a doubt, the conqueror has a more extractive interest than to contribute to the territory and when he arrived in America he was no exception. Little by little, food was discovered that would reach Spain.to. The most surprising at first were tropical fruits and later on foods like cocoa. This was very surprising since the grains of cocoa they were used as exchange currency.

On travels after discovery he traveled with the botanists of the time y painters for they will draw the plants in each area. An attempt was made to see how each of the territories could be exploited. Meanwhile some were arriving america food that would change European gastronomy.

Food that came from America

Many surprising foods arrived for the society of the time. One of them was the potato that it took centuries to reach European gastronomy. At first you wanted to use it as if it were a flour and did not have acceptance. In this way it became a great food for European cattle. Later his cooking was learned and it would save many countries from famine as it happened in Ireland.

El corn It was a legume which was easily adapted to the territory of northern Spain and Europe. It was quite successful at first as an animal feed, later corn flour was introduced into the gastronomy of many places. In the meantime cocoa Transformed into chocolate it was considered very bitter for many. However, the monks who returned from evangelizing were introducing him into European high society. These religious were experts in chocolate since they used it in the fasts, because it was not considered food if not a simple drink.

cocoa beans
Cocoa beans / Source: Pixabay

As well the beans o beans were well accepted and adapted to Spanish gastronomy easily. This is due to its similarity to lima beans. In America (along with corn) it was the largest source of protein in their diet. The tomato It came from America and has become one of the best known and most cultivated vegetables in the world. We can't forget chili or chili o pepper, neither of the peanuts from which they extracted their oil, from pumpkins, sweet potato and Yucca.

The fruits that arrived were mainly the papayas, avocados, pineapple, custard apple, mamey and guava. Regarding the animals the one that arrived and was relatively successful was the Turkey.


Although not like america food but closely linked to the conquest, the tobacco in Europe. It began with the ports of arrival where the crew chewed tobacco. Later it would be consumed in a pipe. This new vice of American origin was a source of income and taxes in European countries.

Food that was from Europe

Little by little and with the installation of Europeans in America, crops that were easy to export were established. At that time the one who had the most interest was the sugar Since at that time it was considered a spice, it was very expensive and rarely used for its price. At that time it was cultivated in the Canary Islands and the Portuguese Atlantic Islands. Thus the cultivation of the sugar cane which caused a great lack of labor that originated the slave trade.

The same thing happened with the cultivation of cotton for textile purposes. Also the cultivation of coffee that, although its origin is from Africa and the Middle East, it was introduced and cultivated by Europeans. On the other hand, the cultivation of cereals such as wheat and barley that cornered crops (such as quinoa) less productive. Later came rice that, although now it is an omnipresent cereal in America, it was difficult to establish a lot on the continent.

Vineyard with Sheep / Food of America
Vineyard with sheep

When Europeans began to settle they planted very early vid to make wines. The same thing happened with the olive although his acclimatization was much more complicated. Not all america food coming from Europe they acclimatized well.

As for fruits, the Europeans brought citrus First lime and later on oranges. Also they bananas o bananas and mangoes they were introduced by Europeans somewhat later.

Rice grains variant of the rice plant / Food of America
Rice grains | Source: Pixabay

Where Europeans did clearly introduce more species into America was with animals. The great pastures of America were magnificent for the sheep, goats, pigs y cows. Also for horses that were used as a driving force on farms and for transport. The legacy of the colonizers is very broad and continues to this day, as you can see.
