Home News Food for back to school: better options

Food for back to school: better options

A new school year begins and it is a great time to recover or redirect some summer eating habits at the time of going back to school. After the well-deserved rest, now it's time to get back to the routine and the best way to do it is with a good food and gastronomy for children and adults. Let's go over some tips and concepts.

The best food for going back to school

Food is one of the pillars to return to class with strength and from this way to help the school performance, concentration y improve learning. Also a good diet will help the immune system  and to strengthen the defenses at a time as necessary as the present.

Fruits and vegetables

For all this, the diet must be complete and rich in Antioxidants that provide us with many fruits and vegetables. September is a month where many summer fruits are at their best. Seasonal fruits such as blackberries, figs, grapes have a great supply of antioxidants. Also interesting are kiwis, blueberries, peaches, avocados and bananas. In a week the interesting ones will arrive Citrus But the most important thing is that the child likes some of them and we can encourage him and introduce him to the habit of fruits and vegetables. Ideally, the fruit can be eaten and avoid juices that represent a excess sugar in our diet. In addition, they do not contribute much much of the fiber in fruit.

Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables

As for vegetables, they are very important in the diet, it is not easy, but we have to get to make a fun gastronomy with them. There are many recipes that can help you. If you have to bet on some, do not forget at this time of season the spinach, vegetable stews, broccoli, peas, and green beans.

Meat and fish

When it comes to protein, quality, unprocessed meats are a good option. Although low-fat poultry meat should not be abused, they are a good option. It is important do not consume poor quality hamburgers, sausages and processed meats. Remember that a great source of protein are legumes. Chickpeas, beans and lentils are an excellent protein option and help provide fiber. They should be introduced in the best way, in stews or in fun salads, imagination to power!


On the other hand The consumption of eggs are important in any of the ways. They are great food for its contribution in choline, a nutrient that helps brain activity.

If we talk about fats, the healthiest are in the fish blue, like salmon. There are others very cheap fish y healthy like sardines, mackerel and jure. They are excellent options. Obviously also in some meats and sausages we find fats, they should not be prohibited but learning to moderate them a lot is the best option.

The necessary carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are very necessary for intellectual effort. A supply of quality and whole grains will help a good yield. So you need the consumption of whole wheat pasta, quality bread and the introduction of cereals such as oats and brown rice. Also foods such as potatoes are very interesting, especially baked or cooked.

food for back to school

Sugary cereals are not a good choice for breakfast or a snack. Neither is it, as you can guess the consumption of industrial bakery sweets and low-quality chocolates. Although a traditional quality bread with chocolate is a good option.

Dairy, also important

Milk is a great food, although there are trends that tend to eliminate or reduce it from our diets, the truth is that it is a good food for development and growth. Better option may still be that of yogurt for its high calcium content and being a good probiotic.

feeding back to school
Milk | Source: objetivobienestar.com (pinterest.com)

We know that it is not an easy task, introducing according to what foods and habits is not easy for children or adults, it must be done with patience and persistence. In the same way, remember that for good health too physical exercise is very important y avoid sedentary lifestyle. What is proven is that the best way to get a good food for back to school es the example. Take advantage of it and improve the habits of the whole family!
