Home News Vitamin D with the coronavirus: new study!

Vitamin D with the coronavirus: new study!

A recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism of the Endocrine Society and conducted at the University of Cantabria and Marqués de Valdecilla Hospital associates deficits of vitamin D with coronavirus. The study indicates that there is a relationship between the levels of this vitamin but not causality. It has been found that there is a high level of patients infected with the lack of this nutrient. Here we tell you more details about this interesting find.

Study data

Specifically, in the 82% of patients hospitalized, this curious absence was found in comparison with the 47% of similar people that were used as a comparative standard. The study was carried out on a total of 400 people. It was also seen that people with this vitamin deficiency had a 26% hospitalization rate, compared with 12% of patients who had a correct level. The number of hospitalized days was 50% higher in people with low levels of this nutrient.

Salmon in natural best canned fish in Mercadona
Salmon al natural / Photo: Iván Sevilla

On the other hand, the study makes it clear that it cannot be related that with low levels of vitamin D with the coronavirus be had more risk of contracting the disease. Nor that with high levels you are more protected against the virus. This lack has not been related equally with higher mortality. It is recalled in the study that it is normal for older people to have a greater deficit of vitamin D. These deficits also coincide with people who suffer chronic diseases which are risk factors in COVID-19, as well as in cold times of the year and less exposure to the sun.


How does vitamin D work?

Vitamin D plays an important role in the immune system of people. It helps fight bacteria and viruses in many diseases and has an active role in the body. The necessary amount of this element increases with age, doubling in older people compared to children.

It also has a fundamental role in bone formation, as it helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus. For this reason it is very important to prevent osteoporosis. It also has relevance to the muscular system as well as the nervous system.

Glass of milk
Glass of milk

La vitamin D occurs on the skin in contact with sunlight. Later the structure of the compound changes in the liver and kidney, where it is part of a hormone. It is in these organs where it accumulates in the fat that we find in those parts and it is where it has reserves. In countries with less light it is usual to use vitamin supplements to avoid deficit. Although it is advisable to have a balanced diet that allows us to have this vitamin naturally with a short exposure to the sun.

It is important to indicate that Like all fat-soluble vitamins, excess of these can be harmful to health. In the case of vitamin D, it is associated with kidney problems as well as vomiting, loss of balance, nausea and weakness, in general.

Mercury Red Tuna in Fish
Red tuna

Take it in your diet: vitamin D with the coronavirus

In reality, there are not many foods that provide us with high levels of vitamin D. As we have commented, this occurs on the skin with sun exposure, when it is manufactured calciferol. The foods that provide us with more of this nutrient, always with the help of the sun, are the following:

- Milk and dairy like butter, yogurts, creams, etc.

- The fishes with a high level of fat they are especially rich. These are basically in our gastronomy sardines, anchovies, mackerel, tuna and salmon. Some shellfish also have high levels of vitamin D than with coronavirus should take.

- Also some cereals, especially the oats and some legumes how are the soybean They can provide us with the vitamin from the plant world. Also some mushrooms as is the case of mushrooms their contributions are interesting. In the autumn season, boletus and chanterelles are also rich in vitamin D.

Vitamin D with coronavirus

- The eggs, specifically the part of the yolk, are from foods where we can find a high level of this vitamin. Refering to meat, is found in high levels in the viscera such as the liver and kidneys.

Now you know of the greatest importance of taking vitamin D with coronavirus prowling everywhere. Take care of yourself from your diet!
