Home News Coffee cups: the friends of the heart

Coffee cups: the friends of the heart

Coffee consumption is good for health, especially for our heart, but it is not convenient to cross the line. We tell you all the details of the benefits of this popular drink and we discover from how many Cups of coffee our body begins to say enough is enough.


Three cups of coffee and that's it

Coffee consumption is good for our cardiovascular health according to various medical studies. Although health personnel recommend that anyone with a heart condition not drink this drink, it is true that a moderate consumption does not seriously affect. This is the opinion of a report from the Baker Heart Institute in Melbourne (Australia).

According to this study, taking two or three Cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases by ten percent. Even so, analyzes carried out by the Baker Institute found that taking more than three does not reduce health problems. It is true that people tend to associate coffee with caffeine, or what is the same, that its consumption alters us, but what they do not know is that it also causes opposite reactions in our body.

Cups of coffee
Friends drinking coffee. / Source: Kitchen and Wine

The benefits of a very popular drink

Although as we have already pointed out, with three Cups of coffee a day is enough, this drink has innumerable benefits for our health. It's a ally for our diet and to gain strength before a workout. The caffeine in this drink helps burn body fat and use it as power source. Not only heart diseases have an ally in this drink, but also other types of ills, such as prostate cancer.

And like everything in this life, it also has its contraindications. If you consume more than normal, it can cause restlessness and insomnia, so it is recommended not to take it beyond seven or eight in the evening. Experts recommend always filter coffeeThis is how we manage to reduce the dangers it has on our cholesterol levels.

If you are sensitive to caffeine, are a child, or are pregnant, you should pay attention to your consumption. For the rest, as long as you don't go over the recommended amount, go ahead. Now that you know a little more, are you going to keep taking more than three Cups of coffee up to date?
