Home Fruits and vegetables Recognizing a good watermelon: keys to getting it right!

Recognizing a good watermelon: keys to getting it right!

La watermelon, along with melon, is the fruit par excellence of the summer. It is already beginning its time and can be seen in supermarkets and neighborhood greengrocers. Surely you are already looking forward to eating it fresh and enjoying its flavor, but can you choose the perfect fruit? Do you want to know if it is really good inside when you open it? Today we give you the best tricks to recognize a good watermelon.

The fruit that is never missing

Watermelon is one of the most consumed fruits in Spain. The types stand out Klondike y Charleston gray and its high content in water makes it a perfect summer food. In addition, within its properties we can highlight that it is a natural source of vitamins and minerals, providing hydration and fiber to the body. Also, it has very few calories, if not nonexistent.

Most people who do not know how to find out if an unopened watermelon is good trust the store clerk, their experience from other years or trust the recommendations of other consumers. What they ignore is that if you know where to look or apply the traditional trick of tap" you will choose the ideal watermelon, sweet and juicier market.

recognize a good watermelon

Tricks to recognize a good watermelon

One of the keys to guess if a watermelon is sweet and tasty is to look at its physiognomy and in its external appearance. Avoid choosing the ones that have cracks or deformations and try to choose the most Round possible, this means that it has received enough light and water necessary for its ideal growth and maturation. Also let yourself be guided by your instincts knowing that their appearance has to look like smooth, that is to say, that it looks strong, and that you consider that it is a fruit that is hydrated and compact.

It's also important that you don't get carried away when you see a shiny and seemingly tasty watermelon. You have to choose dark and low-gloss parts, this will indicate that they are more mature and, therefore, richer.

Another fundamental trick to avoid failing when choosing the best watermelon is to give it some scams on one side. If the sound is deep hole and notes that are transmitted to the other hand, the fruit is in its perfect state of maturity. On the other hand, if its sound is soft and resonant, it is not.

Finally, another fundamental factor to take into account is the weight. The watermelon should weigh proportionally to its size or even more than it appears, so if you notice that it weighs little, discard it and choose another. 

recognize a good watermelon
Closed watermelon

And how to choose a good melon?

La watermelon and melon they always go hand in hand, especially May to August. They also keep the same mystery of how they will be inside. Now that you know the guidelines for how to recognize a good watermelon Because of its exterior, also called water melon, we leave you other little tips and tricks so that you can also choose the best melon toad skin, that is to say the most mature and the most perfect.

The first thing you should do to find out the state of the fruit is to support it on the part where it joins the bush and press on the part opposite the melon. If it yields, it means that the melon is mature and If the skin does not give way, the melon takes time to ripen. In addition, by squeezing and yielding the skin, you can see that a certain melon smell; that will be another sign to know that it is ripe. Lastly, you can also shake it And if you notice that something is heard inside or moves, it is too mature.

recognize a good watermelon
Green melon cut in half

After these tips, easy to apply anywhere and anytime, you can start using them now recognize a good watermelon and a good melon on the outside without fearing that they will be defective. In addition, the more times you practice these tricks and the more you buy these tasty fruits in supermarkets and greengrocers, the better you will have to choose. Did you know any of these keys? Do you see yourself now more prepared to get the best piece? We hope we have helped you and that you take advantage of the qualities of these fruits throughout the summer.
