Home Oils and vinegars Madrid already has a Protected Designation of Origin for its olive oil

Madrid already has a Protected Designation of Origin for its olive oil

Madrid launches its Protected Designation of Origin for its extra virgin olive oil. With the definitive publication by the Journal of the European Union, the procedures are finalized so that Madrid already has a PDO and it can officially be used as of next April 24.

Traditionally, the cultivation of olive groves in Madrid is located in the southeast area. Currently it is carried out by some 4.500 farmers who cultivate about 25 hectares. Its production is about 5 tons of oil that are produced in its 18 oil mills, 7 of which work exclusively organically. The main cultivation areas are the Campiña, Suroccidental and Las Vegas regions, with Villarejo de Salvanés, Colmenar de Oreja, Chinchón, Campo Real, Arganda del Rey, Morata de Tajuña and Valdaracete standing out for their size.

With this Protected Designation of Origin of Aceite de Madrid, the unique characteristics of a product are recognized with the aim of protecting the cultivation areas and their production. At the moment Oil from Madrid It had the Community Guarantee Mark but with its new PDO it is at the level of the best European recognition for a product.

Aceite de Madrid DOP, a multivarietal extra virgin olive oil

The oils from Madrid are distinguished by being multivarietal and with a low acidity level with clean and fruity aromas reminiscent of green and fresh fruits. Its color is intense yellow with greenish edges.

The predominant varieties in the area are Cornicabra, Castellana and Manzanilla Cacereña. According to the specifications of this new PDO, these predominant varieties must have a minimum presence of 80%. The rest of the 20% can be provided by varieties with less presence in the area such as Carrasqueña, Gordal, Asperilla and Redondilla.

With this new Protected Designation of Origin, extra virgin olive oil from Madrid will receive an important boost that will complement the work of many farmers.

