Home Sea The best tips for consuming fish properly

The best tips for consuming fish properly

Do you think you could recognize a good fresh fish? Would you know how defrost it in an ideal way? Do you know what the anisakis and how can you take precautions against it? Today we answer all these questions and give you excellent tips for consuming fish in a correct, safe and healthy way. We present the recommendations that have come to us from Fedepesca.

Why follow advice to eat fish? 

Spanish households allocate the 12,9% of their budget to buy food, with an annual per capita expenditure of 221,48 euros and an intake of 24,8 kilos. At least that's how it was last year, according to data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and FoodTherefore, it is important that the population keep in mind the recommendations for safe consumption of fish and shellfish at home. Likewise, it is essential to end myths or “fake newsConstantly surround us.

An example of this fake news occurred not long ago when it was said that fish could pose a problem for society because of its high level of mercury. This turned out to be completely false, as the amount of mercury is minimal and regulated. In fact, despite possible exposure to mercury, authorities recommend the consumption of fish and seafood for its many health benefits.

Caught fish

How can you recognize good fresh fish?

The first factor to take into account when choosing the best fish is to observe its colors. The animal's skin must present live pigments, without discoloring and with a difference between the dorsal and ventral surfaces. Also, the eyes should be bulging with black or blue pupils and be brilliant. 

Another fact that you should not forget is that the gills cannot have mucus and the meat has to be firm and elastic, with smooth surface. Also, the food should smell like seaweed and not too strong, that would mean it would have lost freshness.

Fish Life Brewery
Fish caught in boxes

What is anisakis and how should you prevent it?

El anisakis is a parasite about 2 centimeters long, whose larvae live in the digestive system of many marine species such as lhake, cod, tuna, octopus, cuttlefish, squid and also in some crustaceans such as crabs and lobsters. The route of entry of this parasite into the human body is the ingestion of some of these foods raw, salted, marinated, smoked or undercooked and can cause us a fairly common disease called la Anisakiasis

This condition develops at that 2 days of eating the infected fish and manifests itself through epigastric pain, dry throat, and overheating of the mouth and esophagus. In the same way, it can cause abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, etc. In the worst cases it can cause invasions of the intestine, perforation and eosinophilia, with a picture similar to an acute abdomen, and major problems can develop.

To help prevent this from happening and avoid any problems with anisakis, a key advice to eat fish in a healthy way es cook the food completely. Up to 60º for at least one minute throughout the piece. If instead we are talking about raw or undercooked fish, such as sushi or pickled anchovies, you should freeze them previously for five days at least at -20º.

Sushi plate / Source: sushita.com

Guidelines for handling and preserving fish in a correct way

Besides the obviousness of wash your hands with soap and water to handle food, it is important, if possible, to use a single table and utensils exclusively for raw fish. Also, fish such as salmon are not they must be stored more than 2 days in the refrigerator. Finally, it is not recommended that you wash your fish before freezing or cooking it, because you could unknowingly be spreading natural pathogens from raw foods around the kitchen.

We hope that from now on, if you did not do it already, you will start applying these warnings and tips whenever you enjoy the delicious and fantastic foods that the sea brings us. Have you heard of the anisakis parasite before? Do you think that by following the guidelines to kill anisakis it is possible to transmit it from animals to humans? Do you regularly apply any of these tips for consuming fish?
