Home Gastronomy Grape leaves: the best option!

Grape leaves: the best option!

In Spain it is grown the vine for more than 4.000 years. Grapes are extracted from this plant, a food that we enjoy very much. But we forget that this plant has more than we can take advantage of. Grape leaves. With a large number of vitamins, low in calories, generous doses of minerals and mostly composed of water. They are a food perfectly healthy. Do you want to know more about this product? Here we tell you all the details.


The exoticness of the name and its references, lead us to think that it is a novel food. Nothing to see, Muslims already consumed them filled with different ingredients at the time of the Caliphate of Córdoba. Their historical evolution has led them to be part of the drugstore. Being used for mitigate symptoms of diarrhea and diseases that affect microcirculation. To the transport of nutrients to the tissues.

dolmade / grape leaves
Dolmade made with grape leaves / source: instagram user @ myfamilysfooddiary

Grape leaves are the protagonists of dishes made since time immemorial. As, for example, in Turkey and Greece. Where they are used to create the dolmade, one of the most representative dishes. Which consists of grape leaves stuffed with a mixture of rice, minced meat, onion and some spices.

El sarma, a typical dish from the area of ​​the BalkansIt is also made up of grape leaves. A recipe very similar to the previous one, with the difference that it contains wheat and pepper. The ceastern Mediterranean basin It is another area that uses this product a lot. Like South America. Where they use them to create "Children involved". With this name they baptize stuffed grape rolls.

sarma / grape leaves
sarma made with grape leaves / source: instagram user @ sarma_evi

What is a biosimilar

The grape leaves come from the vine. They have a very visual aspect. With a big size, sometimes exceeding 15 centimeters. Color Verde and with its ends shaped by pointed recesses. Although in the field in which they stand out the most is in the nutritional.

Which provide?

The grape leaves are practically hypocaloric, that is, for every 100 grams consumed, 67 calories are contributed to the body. Perfect if you want to lose weight! In addition, they are composed, almost entirely, by Water. Comprising around 60%. Not satisfied with these data, they also contain a varied amount of vitamins.

grape leaves
example of a fig leaf / source: jose_luis_rodriguez_yeste

Vitamin A, essential to ensure good vision, the functioning of the lungs, kidneys and other organs. Instead, the Vitamin K It is essential in the blood clotting process, moreover, this vitamin is known as the coagulation vitamin. On the other hand, Vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant and a tool against radicals that damage cells. It also contains Vitamin C, necessary for the body's healing process and the formation of blood vessels, cartilage, muscles and collagen in bones.

It also gives away a large amount of minerals, as well as calcium, copper and magnesium. Compared to other vegetables, it provides fiber and carbohydrates to a greater extent.

fig leaves / source: instagram user sistemariashawarma

According to a study by the Complutense University of Madrid

La Complutense University de Madrid has compared grape leaves with other vegetables most consumed in Spain. Drawing the previous statement as a conclusion. For this, the Department of Nutrition and Bromatology II of the Faculty of Pharmacy, analyzed several samples of grape leaves. Concluding that “the amount of fiber is very high, both in the fresh leaves and in the preserved and cooked ones, well above the values ​​usually found in vegetables of frequent consumption, such as lettuce ”.

In addition, they add that in the total carbohydrate content also exceeds them. Since while lettuce or spinach contain between 0,5 and 3,8 grams, grape leaves provide 17,31 grams per 100 of product. This same study concluded that the content of fat and protein of the leaves of this woody plant was superior, too. “They are usually between 0,2 and 0,3 grams for every 100 of fat and between 1,2 and 3,3 grams for every 100 of proteins. Likewise, it praises its great antioxidant action and its low glycemic load.

Vine / source: pexels

How are grape leaves cooked?

Normally, supermarkets distribute them pre-cooked and packaged. Nevertheless, the healthiest thing is to cook them ourselves. And it's super easy! To do this, we start by boiling the leaves, previously washed, in a saucepan for approximately 10 minutes. Until they turn greenish brown. To later introduce them in ice water.

The next step would be roll them up and put them in a jar. To finish, we make the brine. Adding 100 grams of salt per liter of boiling water, half a lemon in juice. Already cook. Once the process is finished, we pour it into the jar with the grape leaves, cover it and cook at water bath.

Once ready, it can be used to make rolls ingredient fillings that you like and feel like or simply cooked with olive oil. If you have digestive problems, use the grape leaves to make a infusion It's super useful!

What are you waiting to try it? Grape leaves are a perfect option. Healthy, nutritious and suitable for everyone. In addition, it is decisive when cooking, since it can act as a companion to a lot of food.

