less meat than last year
meat dish / source: instagram user @ barraymantel

The fashion of matured meat

The good things in life take time and the maturing process of meat is no exception. Eating matured meat is fashionable, and it is that for some time there has been talk of a new trend that tries to age the meat to make it more tender and optimize its flavor. In restaurant menus, we can already find pieces of meat of high pedigree matured for even years. Your goal? enhance aromas, textures and flavors. 

What is matured meat?

All the matured meats are the ones that are subjected to long maturation processes. This process of aging consists in that the meat is left resting and during this time a series of bacteria and microorganisms they act on it. During this maturation phase, there is a control of the conditions humidity and temperature. The muscle fibers of the meat take 15 to 30 days to break, although this process can take even years. This time will be the one will determine the juiciness of the meat There are studies that suggest that by day 30, 90% of the fibers in the meat have been broken and therefore the maturation process is over. But it is also true that the longer the piece matures, the more authentic and exotic its flavor will be. The matured meats are more tender, juicier and have a highly enhanced aroma and flavor.

How is it cooked and where can I eat matured meat?

We already know what matured meat is and what characteristics it has different from other meats, but, how do we cook it? To make the most of a good matured meat, the ideal is to place the piece at the top of the grill so that it gets warm. Once tempered, we will transfer the piece to the lower part, where it will be sealed. When sealed, its exterior caramelizes but the interior does not lose its juices. From this moment on, the time you leave the meat on the grill will depend on how you like the point of the meat; Although experts advise a golden exterior and a medium or rare interior. Now, if you are lazy to cook and what you want is to go to a set table, then I will leave you some restaurant recommendations where you can enjoy a juicy matured meat: High back y Can Xurrades, in Barcelona. rocky y Arga Restaurant, in Madrid.

Aged meat/keto diet/meat
Matured meat | Source: Saia.es