Home Fruits and vegetables Gazpacho and salmorejo: so similar?

Gazpacho and salmorejo: so similar?

Gazpacho gazpacho, two saucers with, apparently, the same aspect and a flavor very similar. perfect for him summer for its refreshing power and, in addition, very healthy. Although these recipes are traditional on of the Peninsula each home prepares them in its own way. A little more of this ingredient, a little less of the other, I almost removed this one and so on. However, there are always both ingredients and essential steps. But, between gazpacho and salmorejo we find (few) differences Keep reading!

gazpacho and salmorejo
Gazpacho/Source: Atresmedia

Differences between gazpacho and salmorejo

  • The first ingredients of gazpacho were pan, water, oil y vinegar. Later, with the passage of centuries he joined the tomato. also carries cucumber, vinegar and pepper, ingredients that are not used to make the gazpacho.
  • El gazpacho carry water and the gazpacho not. For this reason, the latter presents a more thick. In fact, here is another of their differences. The gazpacho we can drink it as if it were juice due to its texture light, But gazpacho no, as it is more like a sauce. The difference lies, as we have said, in the presence of water and also in the technique. Salmorejo is a emulsion, while gazpacho is a cold soup.
  • El value caloric it is also different between both dishes, however, it is very little significant. In principle, gazpacho has fewer calories as it contains less oil, but salmorejo is more satiating and, therefore, usually contains less. However, it should be noted that both recipes are very healthy and calories should not worry us at all.
  • How does we serve the dishes? In the case of gazpacho, bits of pepper or the famous croutons. On the other hand, salmorejo is usually accompanied with diced ham or chopped hard-boiled egg. Although we have to say that both a gazpacho and a salmorejo are delicious with any of the accompaniments.

Traditional Andalusian gazpacho recipe

a kilo of pear tomatogreen pepper italiancucumber, Teeth of itextra virgin olive oilpan hard loaf, water (250ml), shawl Sherry vinager. These are the ingredients what we will need As we said before, these are the common to all the gazpachos. Then there are homes that add onion Red pepper, for example. Chop all the foods and add the wateroil (50ml) and the vinegar (50ml). We crush everything in the blender.

We went through everything for a fine strainer in order to achieve a texture free of “lumps”. Then, let cool well in the fridge and ready. Easy, right? It doesn't take long. A very useful tip is to save part of the food that we cut up at the beginning and then sprinkle it on top. The croutons They are also another great option and they are delicious.

Traditional salmorejo recipe

The ingredients of the traditional recipe are a kilo of tomatopan de loaf preferably from Cordoba telera (200 grams), extra virgin olive oil, Teeth of itsalt to taste. Peel the tomatoes and crush them. Put the bread in a bowl and cover it with the tomato puree for about ten minutes. Then we add the clove it and grind again. Add a good extra virgin olive oil and beat again. We are going to observe that we are already left with an orange cream. That's a good sign.

Chill in the fridge andclever! In both cases, gazpacho and salmorejo, it will be crucial quality  of the ingredients that we choose They are the ones who will define the result of our recipe. However, a good execution of the plate is also essential. We owe both recipes to Direct to the Palate. We have summarized them in this article so that you have all the information available at a glance. And you, what do you prefer? Gazpacho or salmorejo?
