Home News Gluten-free labeling, from now on true

Gluten-free labeling, from now on true

You may have noticed that more and more products with the gluten-free labeling. Brands today, more often, put that slogan bigger and better visibility. They do this to attract consumers with intolerance to this vegetable protein. But not only them, because they also try to capture the entire population, since indirectly they are made to believe that gluten is not as good as we think. Do you want to know why they act like this? Do you think gluten is good or bad? A new rule will change that bad practice.

The new gluten-free labeling

A vast majority of products do not carry gluten. This is good news for the intolerant that they have it easier when it comes to finding foods without this protein. The problem is that companies and brands are taking advantage of this situation to sell more. An example of this is that many foods that do not have this vegetable protein in their origin, such as mussels or anchovies, now the gluten-free labeling to make them look better or healthier. 

gluten-free labeling
Gluten-free labeling

Following a complaint from the Organization of consumers and users (OCU) Because of this, the labeling of gluten-free foods will change. Since in just six years the foods with the "gluten-free" label have multiplied by 13. 

Furthermore, the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition (AESAN) and the Ministries of Agriculture and Consumption have approved that the mention "gluten-free" can only be indicated in the list of ingredients of those foods that could contain it naturally and that have been eliminated.

In such a way that the foods that have removed this ingredient will have to highlight it on their labels. In the same way that it is done with other elements that can produce allergies or intolerances sensitive people. Since it is a informative and useful term For all consumers, the authorities in charge of regulating its use have taken action to ensure that it is used correctly.

gluten-free labeling
Gluten-free bread

The fashion to eat gluten-free

Gluten is a vegetal protein found in the seed of many cereals such as wheat, barley, rye, triticale, spelled or in some varieties of oatmeal. And like most proteins, this is also good for your health. Likewise, gluten has viscoelastic properties and adds fluffiness to foods such as bread or pastries. However, it has a peculiarity: once ingested it must be digested and metabolized. This process cannot be performed by celiacs, so they have to eliminate that substance from their diet.

Now, the dilemma is that, as in many products the gluten-free labeling It is already something almost necessary, a rejection of it is being created for considering it bad. What causes that many people who can take it without problems stop consuming it. Simply because they believe that it is not good or because they intend to eat a gluten-free diet. In addition, on many occasions, gluten is also accused of being the main cause of having digestive upset or as a obstacle to losing weight. Something that is completely uncertain.

Similarly, the abuse of gluten-free labeling in certain products it can make you think that similar products that do not carry the label do contain gluten, when they do not. In such a way that the brands incur in a unfair competition practice making consumers believe that the product has an advantage over others that is not real. This is the case of many cookies, soup broths, confectionery like candy, etcetera.

Following a diet without this protein does not provide you any benefit, except if you are intolerant or cannot take it. What's more, not incorporating it on a regular basis can lead to fiber and other nutrient deficiency problems. From now on, with the new gluten-free labeling, it will be easier for you to identify which are the products that have been eliminated and which are the products that do not really carry it. In addition, companies will have to say goodbye to the use of "gluten-free" as advertising appeal. Do you agree with this new measure?
