Home News How many beers can you drink daily?

How many beers can you drink daily?

How many beers can you drink daily? This is the question posed by a group of Spanish researchers. They came to a surprising conclusion that has not left anyone indifferent. Discover in this article the keys to his study and the reasons for the controversy. Does it have something to do with sex of an individual to tolerate more or less beer? Do not miss it.

Does this drink have benefits?

By proxy you can drink thirty. Of course, it will have dire consequences on your body. However the CSIC has just published a new, rather illuminating study. "Moderate beer consumption and its effects on cardiovascular and metabolic health: an updated review of recent scientific evidence". More than a study itself, it is a review of previous research. All of these are about the drink's supposed health benefits.

Some of these presumed benefits may be the decreased risk of diabetes in men. Some also find beer capable of increase bone mass density. This would be beneficial in reducing the risk of fractures in older people. Finally, we refer to a lower cardiovascular risk. Of course, all these would derive from moderate consumption. However, where do we put the line? From what amount do we enter the danger zone?

But then ... how many beers can you drink daily?

If you are a man, and you want to stay away from dangers, you are in luck. The threshold is somewhat higher. So, you can consume seven hundred milliliters (according to the CSIC) without exposing yourself to complications. This is more or less a couple of thirds. In contrast, the specified limit for women is four hundred milliliters (just over a third). However, we must point out that the study focuses on a typical Mediterranean consumption.

Oliba Green Beer / how many beers can you drink daily?
Olive beer / Photo: @olibegreenbeer

This is based on accompanying the food with the beer and distributing it throughout the week. The Binge so typical of countries further north like England. Furthermore, the authors emphasize that these data are valid for healthy adults. They rule it out in the case of children, adolescents, pregnant women and medicated people. Above all, they recommend avoiding excesses and promoting responsible consumption.

The controversy is served

The supposed benefits of moderate beer consumption are supported by the ICTAN. These are the acronyms for the Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition. However, the controversy has been seen. Many have been the voices in the networks that have criticized the distinction by sex. However, the strongest criticism came from a few health professionals. Some, like the nutritionist Julius Basultaccuse the study of analyzing alcohol consumption.

The latter declared on Twitter that those who defend the alleged benefits of an alcoholic beverage are lying. They are also avoiding the increase in cancer risk derived from the consumption of these. Many would answer the question "How many beers can you drink a day?" than none. Other Twitter users accuse the study of having been financed by entities that seek the benefit of the beer industry. Some of these are Cerveza y Salud (Spanish) or Cerveceros por Europa (Belgian). You can consult it in a section of the document entitled "Conflict of interests".

In short

To conclude, there is still no consensus on how many beers can you drink daily. For some, consuming a little is a harmless act beneficial to your heart. The presence of polyphenols in it, which reduce the risk of cardiovascular accident. Nor is the fiber or vitamins of group b containing. Therefore, from writing we invite you to consume it (if you want) with moderation and prudence.

How many beers can you drink daily?
Mug of cold beer / Source: Pixabayce

As with the meat, the harmful effects that it may have will depend on the type of consumption you carry. There should be no problem drinking a little socially while sharing a laugh with someone. Another thing is to reach the extremes of bingo drinking, which we will talk about in a future article. Pay attention to our next publications so you don't miss it!




