Home News How to consume sausage in a healthy way.

How to consume sausage in a healthy way.

Not all sausage is healthy. Several studies have shown that sausages, hamburgers, bacon, choped and bologna have large amounts of salt and also contain meat of the worst possible quality.

According to a report from Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food the consumption of fresh meat decreased in 2021 while the intake of processed meat increased. This change in consumption is affecting the well-being and health of the population.

Some Spanish companies, such as Campofrío, have been working for some time to improve their products to make them natural., and thus demonstrate that the sausage is healthy.

Risk of suffering from cancer.

A study by researcher Maryam S. Farvid from the Department of Nutrition at Harvard University examined the long-term effects of red meat and processed meat on the human body. The results ruled that women who consume processed meat have a 9% higher chance of suffering from breast cancer.

In 2015, the WHO warned that eating processed meat was carcinogenic to humans, something that has been supported by quite a few studies and research. It also increases the risk of colon cancer by 20% if you consume twenty-five grams of processed meat daily, according to several researchers from the University of Oxford. A good quality meat, cured, without further additions, is not the same as a mixture of minced meat and remains, with a lot of salt to increase its conservation capacity, “says nutritionist Concepción Martínez to “El Español”.
