Home Gastronomy Digital commerce: more sustainable than ever

Digital commerce: more sustainable than ever

what's going on with him digital commerce? As we will see below, the concern for sustainable financing model it is transforming it by leaps and bounds. Which way is she going? Will we be able to provide it? Keep reading so you don't miss anything about one of the keys to post-covid recovery.

increasingly sustainable

The pandemic has not only brought about the dizzying pace of digital commerce, or E-commerce. It has also made us aware of the interdependence of all countries with each other. What happens on the other side of the world can affect you directly. That is why every day the concern for sustainability grows more. This last term has increased its search volume by about 342% on the internet during the last five years.

These data refer to Spain and are provided by the I Veepee-IESE Study about the future of e-commerce in this country. It is not yet conclusive if this growing interest translates into product purchases. For now, more than 40% of users are willing to pay more for this class of products.

digital commerce
The coronavirus has radically transformed trade / Source: Pixabay

The study also shows the preference for acquiring the products in "marketplaces". The concept assumes a single channel in which the different merchants offer their products. We must take this into account, since 2022 will be the year of online sales for the food industry. A study of Paypal over 1000 users confirms the trend. The 86% I buy food products online during 2021. Bill 79% I buy Home.

Paradigm shift in digital commerce?

It is also known that the big brands and supermarket chains extend their marketing strategy digital marketing industry. Let's add the growing demand for food products through the internet to searches for sustainability. The most likely conclusion is that this one is also reaching the digital commerce And it won't take long to get noticed.

Some sources, such as digital Marketing Agency EXE, ensure that it will grow between 30% and 50% this 2022. Let's add to these data some trends that could mark the year as "the commitment to sustainability and local trade y proximity”, according to the consultant XChannel. It ensures that Amazon it will also adapt to the search for sustainability. "Amazon will prioritize in certain cases the sale of reconditioned and second-hand products with the aim of reducing pollution."

Thus, we conclude that this concept will become more and more important. reduce the carbon footprint and decrease the dependency on fossil fuels It is one of the main objectives of the UE post covid. Will we all use digital commerce to acquire local products? Do you prefer the supermarket or the traditional shops instead?
