Home Cocoa, sugars and desserts Natruly sugar-free chocolate, healthy and pioneer?

Natruly sugar-free chocolate, healthy and pioneer?

The maximum of Natruly sugar free chocolate could be mens sana in corpore sano. Now you can welcome the delicious taste of this food leaving behind all the ingredients that hurt you. A nutritionist and economist who are experts in E-commerce reap another success after their vegan proteins. Find out below what makes this chocolate product so exceptional.


natruly is the continuation of Natural Athlete, a vegan protein brand. Its two founders are Niklas Gustafson y Octavio Laguia. Both began to prepare the launch of the supplement brand at the end of 2016. This finally took place in mid-2018. The motivation was a visionary idea, the essence of the company. In fact, his website was once a vlog called niklaspaleo. In this the Swedish partner based in Spain pointed out the virtues of the paleolithic diet.


We are facing a firm that wants change the world. In its manifest indicates that you plan to do so through what we eat. They want a world in which the natural is no longer the exception. They claim that eating what is good for you creates happier and healthier people. This would be extrapolated to the whole of society. That is why they have decided to take the step of the Vegan Natural Athlete protein to something with more diffusion: the Natruly sugar-free chocolate.

Why is the Natruly Sugar Free Chocolate Bar special?

We once again emphasize the importance of nature. Many other brands offer bars of a "dark", "unsweetened" or "pure" chocolate. However, you may be surprised by reading the ingredients. You are likely to find some like Artificial sweeteners and polyalcohols. Without a doubt, you would think twice before giving it to your children if you want them to enjoy this food in the most possible way. healthy possible. The difference with the Natruly sugar free chocolate is that it is only sweetened with chicory prebiotic fiber.

Vegan Natural Athlete Protein
Natural Athlete vegan protein / Source: @natruly_es

Then there is also the issue of vegetable fats. The big companies, Nestlé for example, they maximize profits and lower costs by using hydrogenated vegetable oil. This one is cheaper and of lower quality. The best known example is palm oil, the obtaining of which involves the deforestation of vast areas of jungle in Indonesia. All four Natruly brand tablet varieties lack these fats and use only cocoa butter. We are talking about the following classes: black, orange and ginger, raspberry and cocoa nibs, Milky.

Cocoa and hazelnut spread

This is not nasty. Unlike other brands in which the half es sugar and over quarter es palm vegetable fat. Nutella is the paradigmatic example of this unhealthy option. On the contrary, cocoa and hazelnut cream de Natruly is completely natural. It lacks sweeteners, sugars and gluten. Let's check what it is made of.

cocoa and hazelnut cream
Cocoa and hazelnut spread / Source: natruly_es

El 43% of the jar corresponds to the hazelnuts. We are talking about very high figures that quadruple to the most typical brands. Thanks to this proportion we obtain a very creamy texture and a very marked flavor of this fruit. The manufacturer also indicates the assumptions benefits of this dried fruit. He describes it as an antioxidant, beneficial for the nervous system, capable of reducing the risk of depression ...

Its cocoa is natural without sugar or anything added. In addition, it is also sweetened with chicory fiber like tablets. 0% sweeteners as stelviol o maltitol. They emphasize that this natural sweetener is capable of keeping the cholesterol and regulate the intestinal transit. Obviously it is also free of hydrogenated vegetable oil. In this case they use shea nut oil.

Natruly sugar-free chocolate / Source: @natruly_es on Twitter
Natruly sugar-free chocolate / Source: @natruly_es

Variety of products in the catalog 

The business model of natruly was mainly based on the E-commerce although they also distributed to specialized stores. Today they have diversified in search of new niches and for this they have innovated with this recent brand that not only has chocolates. It also has food on the current website such as energy bars, almond cream, peanut butter, beef jerky and oatmeal.

In conclusion, the brands that are born today more or less follow this line. That is why they are always shown as healthy y respectful with the environment. They are in the wave of general public concern. Hopefully awareness of quality food will make this type of product more massive and that your price goes down. In this way they will be more accessible and public health will benefit. 
