Home Cocoa, sugars and desserts Pink chocolate: what is the fourth flavor like?

Pink chocolate: what is the fourth flavor like?

If we give you an ounce of pink chocolate it is very likely that you think that you are going to eat a dirty thing. Surely foods full of chemical colorants y sugar like cloud ice cream. Nothing is further from reality. The color of the ruby pink chocolate It does not come from any addition, but from the method of production. And now the chocolate is no longer only with milk, black or white. One more color is added that will not leave anyone indifferent. Discover the invention that will transform this product.

Where does pink chocolate come from?

Many brands claim that the color comes from a concrete variety de cocoa. This comes from certain places with a specific climate of Brazil, Ivory Coast y Ecuador. Nothing is further from reality. While it is true that brands are very selective about cocoa beans, variety is not everything. The secret lies in the preparation, since the berries used are the same as always: Theobroma cacao.

The cocoa berry always has red and purple hues. It is also a fruit rich in Flavonoids. However, with roasting and fermentation it acquires the characteristic brown color. This is how you get a bitter taste while losing the flavonoids. On the other hand the pink chocolate cancels or reduces the fermentation process. Rather, it selects flavonoid-rich grains and acidifies them. That's where the pink color and the flavor come from fruity y acid.

The chocolate of the century

This product arrived in the year 2017 after ten years of research. His appearance was announced by Barry Callebaut like the chocolate event of the century. The Swiss group is one of the largest chocolate companies in the world. When it began to manufacture it, it was very rare to find it in stores. Today things have changed. This is because many brands have jumped into the pool with the fourth category of chocolate. For example, Nestlé He sells it with dried raspberry chunks.

Ruby Pink Chocolate
Ruby pink chocolate. Source: barry-callebaut.com

El pink chocolate It belongs to a specific line of products of the multinational. Be part of Les recettes de l'atelier and it costs three euros. This is not an exorbitant price compared to other chocolates in this group. It also sells bars of Kit Kat bathed in this new kind of chocolate. A 41 gram package costs 5 euros. It is not more expensive than the rest.

Angus kennedy, British chocolate expert, gives his opinion on The Sun about this discovery. For him it's something that he could have invented Willy Wonka from 'Charly and the Chocolate Factory': "It has a vibrant color, between pink and reddish, unlike anything I have seen." It states that its flavor is so light and fruity that it will be difficult for you to realize that you eat one after the other.

And is that the target audience are the YOUNG. Big brands want to take advantage of their chocolate experience combined with new technologies. to attract them. It is the chocolate invented in its time and therefore they are more open to changes. The last time a new flavor was created was in the thirty years with the chocolate blanco. Ninety years later we can consider that groundbreaking invention as something completely normal.

How healthy is it?

The most chocolates healthy are those that contain more than 80% cocoa. The greater proportion of this takes up space from the sugar. The chocolate Ruby it does not go down this line. Its offer is very limited and those who sell it usually do so with quite low percentages of cocoa. The one of Nestlé mentioned above contains only 48%. It cannot be considered healthy with its main ingredients. These are sugar and cocoa butter. Each tablet contains more than 500 kilocalories, 21% saturated fat and a sugar percentage of 48,5%.

Japanese Pink Kit Kat
Japanese pink kit kat. Source: Oriental Market

Likewise, in its fair measure it will not hurt you. The safest thing is that more and more companies get on the train and start selling it. This will lead to an infinity of new desserts, cakes, ice cream… The world of sweet It is changing and every day it surprises us with something new. Who knows what the next new color will be that will surprise as much as this pink chocolate?
