Home News Champagne and climate change: inseparable

Champagne and climate change: inseparable

La Champagne and climate change they are already inseparable. The latter is a verifiable effect in our day to day. Rising temperatures, drought and increasingly sudden and adverse weather effects are now inevitable. This time the changes come from this wine-growing area of ​​France. In the famous Designation of Origin action is being taken in the face of all these changes.

For more than a century, vines have been planted in the entire Champagne area with a maximum distance of 1,5 meters between rows. Currently they have already considered modifying this measure.

Increase the space between floors

Until now, experts believed that 1,5 meterss were the best option. They also thought that it provided more quantity and better quality. The competition between plants the quantity was not excessive and the quality was excellent. Now with climate change it seems that everything has changed and will change more.


According to studies carried out for more than fifteen years by the SGV association and some wineries, it seems that this is no longer the case. According to this study if allowed to enter major machinery the work hours. Thus, CO2 emissions would fall by more than one 20%. The same study indicates that it would also be easier to control of pests and treatments would be fewer and more effective. In this way, one of the main objectives would be achieved, to improve the sustainability.

Champagne and climate change increasingly go hand in hand
Champagne bottles in a metal goblet / Source: Pixabay

Fewer strains but bigger: solutions for Champagne and climate change

For all this, the change was voted last week. The proposal is to move from 1,5 meters wide between rows at 2-2,2 meters. On the contrary, the strains would be allowed to have a maximum height of up to 2 meters instead of 1,25 meters. According to the study, there would be a lower number of plants per hectare but production would be compensated. With this reduction of plants, the foreseeable droughts would be better coped with and the plants would be stronger.

russian champagne
Champagne, France / Source: Pixavay

A social debate

The debate is open throughout the Champagne area. The unions fear that employment in the vineyard will be reduced. Winegrowers insist that it is for the best and that the change will be made gradually y It will be completed in three generations. What they do seem clear is that decisions need to be made now. One thing is clear, from now on Champagne and climate change will go hand in hand.


