Home Coffees, teas and infusions Roasted coffee: what is it?

Roasted coffee: what is it?

Have you ever heard of roasted coffee? You may not know this peculiarity of early twentieth century which has remained intact in Spain to this day. What does the post-war have to do with this country? Why is it still being done today? Discover its secrets in this article.

How is it done?

Roasted coffee is nothing more than a preservation medium. This consists of covering the coffee beans with a sugar coating during roasting. The patent dates from 1901 and its purpose was to preserve it at a time when technology was much more rudimentary. Thus, the result is a very strong, dense and prolonged taste in the mouth. Its end is bitter and the Double of caffeine than arabica.

coffee beans / roasted coffee
coffee beans / Source: Pixabay

Now this concoction also gave rise to the coffee mix. We understand by this the one that was produced in the postwar period by mixing roasted and natural. Coffee was a rare commodity, which is why the custom consisted of slightly improving the flavor of roasted coffee by mixing it with natural.

Why is roasted coffee still being produced?

The main reason given by the coffee growers is their cheap production. It is a product less digestive y worse quality Due to the variety Robust physique of the coffee. This kind of coffee costs less money, so producers do not hesitate to keep production costs low by employing inexpensive preservation methods. They seek the maximum benefit at the minimum cost.

High-level baristas, meanwhile, describe it as an attack on coffee. They ask that it stop being produced. There are those who I read define it as carcinogenic. However, the decision to choose it is yours.
