Home Fruits and vegetables Blackberry benefits: taste and health in small bites

Blackberry benefits: taste and health in small bites

The imminent arrival of August means that the summer continues to advance. This, like everything, has its good part and its not so good part. This, gastronomically speaking, implies that some other product loses Protagonism; but also that others become important. It is the case of blackberries, which in addition to being rich in flavor are also rich in properties. Do you want to discover what are the benefits of blackberries? Let's see it!

Blackberries, an autumn fruit

As we said before, if there is something good that the end of summer brings, it is the collection of blackberries. From the end of August to the beginning of October, taking advantage of the pleasant temperature characteristic of these months of the year, this fruit is harvested. From Asia to Europe, passing through South America, blackberry is enjoyed throughout the globe.

Also known as blackberries or black raspberries, blackberries have a multitude of properties that make them a very complete and beneficial fruit for our health.

benefits of blackberries
Blackberries contain high nutritional values

What are the benefits of blackberries? 

There are an estimated 300 species of blackberries worldwide. Although it may not be one of the most popular fruits, it is one with incalculable nutritional value that provides countless benefits for our health. Here we know some of these positive aspects that blackberries offer us. 

It should be noted that blackberries are very rich in vitamins C and E, very important since they act as antioxidants. On the other hand, they contain a pigment called anthocyanin that works like anti-inflammatory. That is why, in this sense, it should be noted that blackberries are a great support to keep cardiovascular health under control. The consumption of this fruit as part of a balanced diet helps to reduce cholesterol.

Benefits of blackberries
Blackberries contribute to the maintenance of the cardiovascular system

In addition, its high iron content is essential in the production of hemoglobin and its level of magnesium, manganese and potassium are ideal for keeping blood pressure under control.

Prevention of ailments, among the benefits of blackberries

As we said before, it contains vitamins C and E, and that, together with its antioxidant function, are essential factors to maintain healthy skin. In other words, eating blackberries can prevent premature aging. These properties have also been linked, according to the blog BetterwithHealth, with a possible 'positive effect on growth inhibition of various types of malignant cells ».

benefits of blackberries
They are useful for the correct health of the skin

The truth is that by containing so many vitamins and so many healthy components, the benefits of blackberries they are multiple. For example, its zeaxanthin content helps protect and maintain the health of the retinas.


Like practically any fruit, the blackberry is a very versatile food and has its own niche in the kitchen. Its flavor and its already mentioned properties allow it to be a rich and healthy snack, but its usefulness goes further. From yogurts to jams or preserves to accompany a breakfast to creams or mousses to close a meal. And, in addition to that, muffins, cakes and biscuits also get a special touch with the blackberry.

But the truth is that, as with other fruits, blackberries are also used to make savory dishes. It is a product that combines perfectly with recipes that include game or meat, pâté, cheese ... that is, with foods in which a contrast of flavors is sought. Candied duck with blackberries; cheese or goat, blackberry and chicken salad; or a beef tenderloin with potatoes and blackberry sauce are just some examples of everything that can be cooked with this fruit.

healthy breakfast
What are the benefits of blackberries?

As you have seen, blackberries not only add a sweet and special touch to our diet, but they also do it in a healthy and nutritious way. It is also a very versatile product that can be implemented in practically any food, whether it is sweet or salty. What are you waiting for to start experimenting with this fruit in the kitchen and continue discovering all its benefits and properties?
