Home Fruits and vegetables Benefits of papaya: unbeatable

Benefits of papaya: unbeatable

El papaya consumption can prevent diseases such as asthma or prostate cancer. This fruit is becoming more and more popular in Spanish stores and that is because it is a very healthy food. Do you want to know more benefits of papaya? We tell you more here.

What does papaya contain?

La papaya itself provides a multitude of benefits to of our body. And it is that it is very rich in vitamin C. Only one piece provides 224% of your daily recommendation. Plus, it's a great source of: folate; Vitamin A; magnesium; copper and pantothenic acid. It even has, to a lesser extent, doses of: vitamin B, E and K; beta corotene, lutein and potassium. A medium papaya, in general, has:

  • 120 calories
  • 30 grams of carbohydrates, including 5 grams of fiber and 18 grams of sugar
  • 2 grams of protein.

But… What are the benefits of papaya?

We could start by highlighting the few calories of this fruit, 35 per 100. Which makes it a perfect resource if you want to lose weight. In addition, it has satiating and effective effects against constipation. It also contains papain, an enzyme that helps break down protein and improves the digestive process. On the other hand, its high content of vitamins A and C helps you maintain your young skin. Due to its antioxidant actions. While its richness in potassium gives us a correct functioning of: nervous system, kidneys and heart.

benefits of papaya
papaya / source: instagram user @roots_macaronesia

Stop prostate cancer

Another benefit of papaya is its beta carotene intake. That is, an antioxidant that reduces the risk of suffering from cancer. A study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomakersassured that diets rich in this component protect against prostate cancer.

Get ahead of asthma!

Much research has concluded that the risk of developing asthma depends on the tofeeding. There are certain nutrients that reduce this danger. One of them is the beta carotene, present in papaya, pumpkin, carrot, apricots, etc.

It's time to take care of the heart

As we have mentioned before, the papaya has a large content fiber, potassium y Vitamins. All of these elements help prevent heart disease. For example, a diet richer in potassium in which sodium is reduced is the most effective measure to avoid risks of cardiovascular diseases.

against inflammation

Another very important nutrient in papaya is hill. This is because he is in charge of helping us sleep, move our muscles, learn and even memorize. Not only that, but It is a very versatile food. which apart from all of the above participates in many essential processes for our body. Some of them are: maintain the structure of cell membranes; transmit nerve impulses; absorb fat; and reduce chronic inflammation.

Goodbye to scars

La mashed papaya pcan be beneficial in motivating wound healing. As well as to prevent infection of burn areas. That is, only if you consume it regularly, not just sporadically. But why? Many researchers attribute these benefits of papaya at proteolytic enzymes chymopapain and papain. These have even been used in ointments to alleviate decubitus ulcers. Better known as pressure ulcers.

benefits of papaya
papayas /source: instagram user @latinarosa_

a perfect hair

For a enviable hair the Vitamin A. A nutrient high in papaya, which is necessary for sebum production. Ingredient that maintains hair hydration. In addition, it is important, too, for the growth of all body tissues. In which skin and hair are included. However, apart from this vitamin, a adequate intake of vitamin C. Since the formation and maintenance of collagen, responsible for structuring the skin, depend on it.

In another article we talked about this exotic fruit has more and more followers in Spain. A fact that does not surprise us at all, since it has an exquisite flavor. However, what stands out the most are the benefits of papaya for health. Its consumption helps you both inside, preventing cardiovascular diseases, as on the outside, lengthening the youthful appearance. There is no doubt that papaya is here to stay! and you? What benefit is the one that most attracts your attention?

