Home Fruits and vegetables Avozilla, the avocado from another planet?

Avozilla, the avocado from another planet?

Barbarian, monstrous or gigantic, Spaniards are not used to seeing a vozilla, whose name you can already imagine where it comes from. Is a avocado yes but amazing in size, fit to feed a family of four a healthy dinner. His greenish color exterior completely differentiates it from the fruit that, surely, you are used to seeing in greengrocers and supermarkets. Now, that this tremendous product is not frequent for us does not mean that in other countries far away Spain not popular enough. From one end of the globe to the other, the champion among all varieties of avocados exists. However, you can already find it in a Spanish province!

From South Africa to Australia, without being an experiment

Even though you may think that the peculiar vozilla It is out of this world - by the headline of this article, because surely you have never seen a avocado thus and even by its revealing name - we explain its history to you. The truth is that science, only sometimes, allows these food luxuries. Examples of these are well known gigantic fruits or vegetables that have surprised both the farmer and the consumer. These cases are the result of experimentation between different species of the fruit or of some test that goes wrong with respect to what was expected or another type of cause. But don't worry, because this time it is neither a failed trial nor a controversial transgenic.

In fact, this product that humiliates the normal avocado that we all know has its origin in South Africa, where it has been growing for years. It's about a crossing of two varieties of the fruit: the tasty Guatemalan and the huge antillean. The matter has no more mystery. There in the African country the company took over this product Westfalia Fruits, which decided to register the trademark with which the vozilla. As you may be imagining, it is born from the fusion between avocado (in English) and Godzilla, the fictional Japanese monster that has starred in so many films. After moving his cultivation to Australia, it began to become popular there.

Avozilla / Photo: westfaliafruits

Monstrous Avozilla Facts

Known and cultivated also on the other side of the planet, both in Chile as in Mexico, Latin countries in which this food is called avocado, your choice to produce it responds to several criteria. They have to do with profitability, the greater ease of Services and, of course, the particularity of this vozilla. Its weight can be five times that of a normal avocado, exceeding a kilo perfectly, although on average it usually weighs about three quarters of a kilo. It stands out for the strong skin that covers it and for its texture and even fantastic creaminess. Yes, his flavor is less intense than the small Hass variety.

However, what most impresses every consumer is its size. In countries where it is grown, farmers are sure to compete for the most monstrous of all vozilla. As we have already pointed out, in Australia its commercialization occurs on a large scale and its price is also around the heights: € 14 per 1,8 kg unit. However, about seven years ago, the product was sold as a bargain in United Kingdom. Yes, quite close to our country, although it is hardly known here, rather it is a agricultural rarity.

Avozilla species (usually larger)

Now available in Spain!

Anyway, in Grenada yes there is a place that has already been released with its cultivation. In Almuñécar, the farmer Manolo Mateos is specialized in tropical fruits, which it sells through its shop online. He usually plants this piece of fruit that he consumes almost 100 liters of water per day and has an early flowering. You must control the temperature well to monitor its maturation before harvesting it.

In short, if you want to try this spectacular and curious product, you can visit the websites Manolo or look for it in other countries that sell to Spain because the vozilla It is not just any avocado. Don't you think it is an excellent gift for those lovers of this food so fashionable lately? How outrageous to receive and be able to enjoy a gigantic delicacy that seems to come from another planet!
