Home Sea Tuna: toxic by mercury?

Tuna: toxic by mercury?

The cans of tuna They are very helpful, let's be realistic. In addition, many of us love the flavor it brings to pasta dishes. As if that were not enough, they represent a powerful source of omega-3. This is an essential fatty acid that our body does not produce and that we need to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. However, the pollution of the seas means that we are also exposed to risks related to mercury. How much of this toxin is in the tuna? Let's see it.

Why can tuna be toxic?

Mercury passes from smaller animals of the food chain to the largest. It is a substance hard to excrete and that accumulates in the Muscle tissues. Specifically, it does so in the form of methylmercury, which is the most common form of organic mercury found in the nature. Thus, tuna is one of the worst fish to consume from this point of view. This is because the largest and longest living beings accumulate more.

The tuna eat smaller fish that have fewer amounts and this accumulates. Although, within this species there are differences. while he Red tuna can reach the 400 kilos, el nice it only weighs ten. However, both can cause you problems if you abuse them. What you should worry about if you start to feel tremors, numbness of the extremities o memory loss.

can of tuna
Cans of tuna have slightly less mercury than fresh / Source: Pixabay

How much should I eat at most?

It can affect our motor skills, memory and concentration. It can also be responsible for cognitive problems in babies. It is related according to some studies with high blood pressure, higher levels of bad LDL cholesterol, and an increased risk of heart attack. As well as with difficulty walking, lack of coordination, muscle weakness and memory and vision problems in adults.

The recommended amount is not to exceed two or three servings per week of the varieties with less mercury: tongol tuna o nice listing. You can also eat one of the heavier species like albacore or light tuna. Furthermore, it should be noted that the cans they present less risk than fresh although they also contain mercury. That is why it is convenient to read the label to find out what type of fish it is. Don't forget that you can also get your omega-3 from nuts!

