Home Meat Alternatives to the beef burger

Alternatives to the beef burger

All the alternatives to beef burger take center stage. More and more consumers in the West are reducing or moderating their meat consumption. This phenomenon has different explanations. The damage to the environment of livestock, a more diet healthy or with a better treat the animals are the main reasons. Can you imagine a world where hamburgers are raised in the laboratory or printed? These options are already a reality. Here we tell you more about them. 

What are the alternatives to the beef burger?

And it is that heart complications or the probability of developing cancer are not a joke. That is why former consumers are comfortable with Beyond Meat. This Californian company is dedicated to preparing hamburgers based on vegetable products. Its flavor is very similar to beef and contains twenty grams of protein for every hundred.

By comparison, the protein intake of beef is XNUMX out of every XNUMX. It knew how to function very well in Spain and quickly expanded through the aisles of supermarkets. You can also try one Beyond Burger in places like Cien Montaditos or La Sureña.

The world of fast food is already adapting. The advancement of plant-based eating is unstoppable and the chains know it. This is how Burguer King added to its menu the Rebel Whopper. He presented her as 100% Whopper, 100% vegetable. However, it should be remembered that, because they do not have meat, they are not necessarily healthy. They are fast food.

European trajectory

In other countries like Germany o France these alternatives to beef burger they have more travel. They are possible to find in all fast food chains for years. Not only vegetarian and vegan they have opted for alternatives in these places. In Germany, processed foods such as sausages are the most typical dish and their vegetable versions are already appearing.

We must remember that the fact that it is vegetable does not mean that you can neglect your diet. These lack Vitamin B12, but sometimes it is added to them. The Supplements of this vitamin are part of the nutrition of experienced vegetarians and vegans. In addition, they do not provide the same as vegetables, so it is not advisable to stop eating them. It is always advisable to maintain a balanced diet.

A microscope
A microscope

Printers and stem cells

If you really like the taste of a double-decker burger but you feel sorry for the veal, you shouldn't worry. The Israeli firm Redefine Meat has created a system that allows you print up to twenty kilos per hour of synthetic vegetable meat. It caters to high-end restaurants. In a year these 3D printers will print your meat cheaper than the real thing. Try their alternate steak Alt Steak.

However, the most groundbreaking alternative is the cultured meat. It consists of extracting stem cells of animal muscles. These are grown in the form of meat in a laboratory. It may sound like playing God. However, the benefits it brings are significant. With this technology we save methane that drives out cattle to produce meat.

A double-decker burger
A double-decker burger

This gas warms the atmosphere more than CO2. Not to mention what the 15% of emissions responsible for global warming. The clearing of large wooded areas to pasture would also be stopped. This is the main cause of deforestation of the Amazon.

Playing God getting cheaper and cheaper

The first laboratory hamburger was presented Mark Post en 2013. Cost 1,2 million when the Maastricht University professor designed it. Today he is in charge of mosa meat, the main Dutch firm in the sector that joins the race to make it cheaper.

Bean sprouts
Bean sprouts from which one of the greatest sources of vegetable protein grows

En 2017, Memphis Meats announced that the manufacture of one of Nine thousand dollars. It's a surprising price drop in just four years. A year later the same company reduced the price to a thousand dollars. The israeli Aleph Farms It dropped below one hundred dollars in 2019. To top it all off,future meat has confirmed that his meat will cost only ten dollars a pound in 2022!

In summary, the alternatives to beef burger they are gaining weight. There is still time for meat lovers to acquire it grown in the laboratory at low cost. Meanwhile they will have a wide range of substitutes that is increasing by leaps and bounds. You health will appreciate that you reduce your meat consumption and planet also.
